As part of the Lab cycle process of evaluating ideas, an analytical strategy is implemented to assess the environmental, climate best, and socio-economic impacts endorsed by Lab instruments in the country. To this end, The Lab requested support to analyze key environmental, climate, and social performance metrics for each Brazil Lab instrument. Also, it requested some major recommendations on the ideas and impacts of KPIs.

In that context, NINT (Natural Intelligence — formerly known as the SITAWI Sustainable Finance Program) has developed an environmental, social, and climate metrics assessment presented in this report. Its objective is to drive an evaluation of the financial instruments’ impacts through an analysis of their assumptions and key KPIs and methodologies.

The report comprises a methodological section that explains the steps whereby the assessment was conducted, the results section and further discussion, the proposed next steps for conducting the complete assessment, and the timetable for its execution.

We contacted the proponents of each instrument developed within the Lab’s Brazil program to gather better information regarding their current status and impact.

Read the full report