The 2022 Lab Instrument Fund for Nature has announced it has teamed with Concordia at the 2024 Americas Summit in Miami.

Developed by CrossBoundary, the Fund for Nature is a first-of-its-kind fund for nature-based carbon projects. It aims to increase the supply of high-quality nature-based carbon projects to meet the growing demand from corporate off-takers while increasing the economic benefit to project implementers and local communities.

Launched in 2022, the Concordia Amazonas Initiative holds high-level strategic convenings in the Amazon rainforest to identify and implement scalable and sustainable market-led, nature-based solutions that shape the future of the region

“With only about 3% of global climate finance going towards nature-based solutions today, the Fund for Nature is addressing the massive funding gap for high-integrity projects in critical ecosystems globally. We are thrilled to partner with the Concordia Amazonas Initiative to expand our impact in the Amazon region, where there are exciting opportunities in which climate impact, biodiversity impact, and community impact go hand-in-hand.”

Kate Wharton, CrossBoundary’s Head of Natural Capital