The presentation slides can be downloaded here.


In this webinar, we present the latest progress and impacts from the Lab.

In four years, these initiatives have successfully identified, developed, and launched financial instruments and solutions that have mobilized over USD 1.4 billion for mitigation and adaptation projects in developing countries.

In September 2018, the Lab launched a new class of sustainable finance instruments. After nearly a year of vetting and development by a high-level group of investors and policy makers, these instruments represent transformative finance solutions for renewable energy, low-carbon transit, and sustainable agriculture and land-use.

The Lab is also currently accepting proposals for a next round of financial instruments and early stage businesses that can unlock investment for sustainable development challenges. This year, the Lab has a special call for ideas that target sustainable agriculture for smallholders in West & Central Africa, sustainable energy access, blue carbon in coastal & marine ecosystems, and sustainable cities. Ideas that target other sectors will also be considered. The deadline to submit an idea is December 19th, at

A brief presentation covers recent progress and impacts, latest endorsed instruments, priority areas for the current ‘Call for Ideas’ and how to get involved, followed by a question & answer session.


  • Ben Broche, Manager, Climate Policy Initiative
  • Alex Clark, Analyst, Climate Policy Initiative
  • Karoline Hallmeyer, Analyst, Climate Policy Initiative