Date: Mon 23 November 2020
Time: 7a PT / 10a ET / 11a BRT / 16h CET
Duration: 1 hour
Register: Scaling Innovative Climate Finance
Founded in 2014, the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance (“the Lab”) has incubated 49 innovative climate finance instruments that, collectively, have mobilized over USD $2.2 billion, including $800 million from the private sector.
Although the Lab has succeeded in nurturing early-stage ideas, as the timeline for addressing climate change becomes shorter and shorter, the ability for Lab ideas to scale as quickly as possible becomes increasingly important.
The Lab is starting to see some of its earlier-launched instruments scale up – mobilizing increasing amounts of investment – so we conducted an analysis of Lab instruments, interviewed experts and reviewed third-party literature to better understand what factors facilitate scaling up.
Join us for an interactive panel discussion where we review these findings and discuss how public and private investors, entrepreneurs, and policy-making institutions can better support the scaling up of climate finance instruments.
- Andrew Johnstone, CEO, Climate Fund Managers
- Bella Tonkonogy, Associate Director, Climate Policy Initiative
- Adhiti Gupta, Manager of Market Acceleration & Design Funding, Convergence
- Idsert Boersma, Director of Partnerships for Impact, FMO, the Dutch entrepreneurial development bank
- Maria Netto, Financial Markets Principal Specialist, Inter-American Development Bank
- Harold Hirschhofer, Senior Advisor, TCX Fund
Register: Scaling Innovative Climate Finance