The Lab is participating and organizing several events around the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco, September 12-14.

Innovation in Mobilizing Capital for NDCs' Low-Carbon and Resilient Pathways at the City Level

September 13, 5:15 – 7:45pm
Bloomberg, Pier 3 (invite only)

Climate Policy Initiative and the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance will be co-hosting an affiliate event at the Global Climate Action Summit, along with Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and Agence Française de Développement (AFD).

This event will consider approaches towards mobilizing public and private investments for the implementation of countries’ Sustainable Development Goals and the Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement, as well as longer term low-carbon and climate resilient pathways.

CPI’s Dr. Barbara Buchner will moderate a panel of five high-level experts, representing development finance institutions, government, and the private sector who will share their insights on the barriers and opportunities in mobilizing investment at the city level.

The second part of the event will explore emerging innovative solutions to unlock investment at the city level, including solutions incubated by the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance, in which Barbara will again serve as a moderator. Several Lab entrepreneurs will be matched with real investors for a short series of interviews on their enterprises to unlock investment for city-level climate action. This will be followed by a reception for all attendees to network and learn more about on-the-ground solutions.

Find out more.

In addition, CPI and Lab experts will host and present at multiple other events. Topics covered will include the future of climate action, finance for resilience and adaptation, and green bonds, the role of women in climate change, and city finance. See a partial list below.

Sustainable Infrastructure, Green Finance and Green Bonds Roundtable

September 11, 10:00 – 12:00 pm
The Fairmont Hotel (invite only)

Ceres and the Climate Bonds Initiative will host a roundtable discussion on sustainable infrastructure, green finance and green bonds.

CPI’s Executive Director of Climate Finance, Dr. Barbara Buchner, will be participating in the roundtable.

Participants will come from a cross-section of investors, issuers and underwriters.  In keeping with the Summit’s intent to move green finance and investment forward, the organizers plan to include prospective issuers of green bonds representing cities and companies.  Their goal is to provide fresh perspectives on engaging more issuers on the local, regional and global levels.

The session will include strategies used by cities and other sub-nationals to address the long-term risks of climate change and the path that led them to using a green-labeled bond to finance those projects, and practical steps the group members can take to energize the taxable green bond market, especially in the U.S.

Find out more here.

Building Resilience Today For A Sustainable Tomorrow

September 11, all day  
PG&E Energy Centre (Invite only)

Business for Social Responsibility, Stockholm Resilience, ICF, and Un Climate Resilience Initiative A2R will host a full-day event that will feature a series of sessions from organizations focusing on different aspects of resilience and the practical steps that a range of actors can take.

The day will showcase keynote speakers, panel discussions, and interactive sessions highlighting examples and leaders from developing and developed countries including California and U.S.-based organizations.

CPI’s Executive Director of Climate Finance, Dr. Barbara Buchner, will be speaking at the event.

The event organizers encourage the attendance of business and investors, philanthropists, international finance institutions, local and national governments, knowledge and research, and local and international civil society organizations who want to take action on climate resilience.

Find out more here.

Climate Resilience and Adaptation Investment

September 13, 9:00 – 1:30pm
Clyde 7 Co. (invite only)

The Lightsmith Group and Willis Towers Watson will host a practical and action-oriented discussion about climate resilience investment opportunities, focusing on the challenge and opportunity for investment created by the need for climate resilience and adaptation.

CPI’s Dr. Barbara Buchner will be contributing to the event in a speaking role.

Leaders from insurance, private equity, banking, development finance, climate analytics, and global business will discuss physical climate risk metrics and climate resilience investment opportunities on two interactive panels.

A working lunch of the Global Adaptation & Resilience Investment (GARI) working group will close the event.

Find out more. 

Climate Finance Talanoa Dialogue

September 14th, 8:00-10:00am
ClimateWorks (invite only)

Fiji’s COP23 Presidency Secretariat, Rockefeller Foundation, and Climate Policy Initiative are co-hosting a Talanoa Dialogue with a select group of senior leaders on financing the road to resilience and net-zero economies.

2018 is the year of the Talanoa Dialogue – a UN process to take stock of climate action and commitments around the globe – with the aim of inspiring more ambitious national plans needed to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. The role of global financial system — public and private — is critical in ensuring that capital is applied more efficiently and at much greater scale towards the rapid decarbonisation of the global economy to achieve “net zero” global emissions as soon as possible in the second half of the century.  Without a much greater focus on aligning the levers of the capital market system, existing inertia and increasingly obsolete norms will hinder this needed market transformation.  Conversely, greater alignment in the financial system with the global goals of the Paris Agreement can provide policy makers with the foundation for much greater ambition in their own responses.  Thus, the financial community’s contribution to the Talanoa Dialogue process is essential.

Friday Finance Roundup

September 14, 2:00 – 5:30pm
San Francisco Marriott Marquis

The Friday Finance Roundup will be a casual event designed to cap off a great week of climate meetings, hosted by the Global Climate Action Summit and PRI in Person. The roundup will bring together personal from key climate finance players to share insights and hear from high-level speakers. The aim of the evening is to continue discussing the task of scaling up the more complex financial instruments.


  • Rapid fire insights including from leading Dutch investor AGP.
  • A special meet up room: your last chance to casually connect with contacts you missed during the summit week and PRI in Person
  • Innovation awards
  • Release of the new Climate Finance Playbook

This is a Global Climate Action Summit-PRI official affiliate event, supported by Ceres. The event is kindly sponsored by i(x) investments.

Find out more.

Getting to Paris Without Stopping in Washington

September 15, 5:30 – 9:00pm
College of Maris – Diamond Center Gymnasium

CPI’s Dr. Barbara Buchner is assisting the organization of this discussion about how citizens and communities can take charge of solving climate change.


  • Christiana Figueras (architect of the Paris Climate Agreement)
  • Matt Rodriquez (CA EPA Secretary)
  • Professor Daniel Kammen
  • Congressman Jared Huffman
  • Other climate leaders

Find out more.